Premium database | 仕様 | DNS Database Download | WhoisXML API




サブスクリプションの種類 説明
日次更新 Weekly fullデータベースに前日に追加されたDNSレコード(A、AAAA、MX、NS、TXT、CNAME、SOA、PTR)を、CSV形式で指定した日付のデータベースに取り込みます。これらのファイルはdaily_datafeedサブディレクトリに保存され、次の形式で命名されます:
- "daily_datafeed/premium_dns_database.%DATE%.daily.csv.gz "
- "daily_datafeed/premium_dns_aaa_database.%DATE%.daily.csv.gz"
- "daily_datafeed/premium_dns_mx_database.%DATE%.daily.csv.gz"
- "daily_datafeed/premium_dns_ns_database.%DATE%.daily.csv.gz",
- "daily_datafeed/premium_dns_txt_database.%DATE%.daily.csv.gz",
- "daily_datafeed/premium_dns_cname_database.%DATE%.daily.csv.gz",
- "daily_datafeed/premium_dns_soa_database.%DATE%.daily.csv.gz",
- "daily_datafeed/premium_dns_ptr_database.%DATE%.daily.csv.gz",
例:"daily_datafeed/premium_dns_database.2021-12-01.daily.csv.gz "
週次更新 前期と比較したDNSレコードのWeekly Fullデータベースの差分を含みます。前月以降に追加、失効、変更されたレコードが収録されています。これらのファイルは、次の形式で命名されています:
- "premium_dns_database.%DATE%.weekly.diff.csv.gz "
- "premium_dns_aa_database.%DATE%.weekly.diff.csv.gz"
- "premium_dns_mx_database.%DATE%.weekly.diff.csv.gz",
- "premium_dns_ns_database.%DATE%.weekly.diff.csv.gz",
- "premium_dns_txt_database.%DATE%.weekly.diff.csv.gz",
- "premium_dns_cname_database.%DATE%.weekly.diff.csv.gz",
- "premium_dns_soa_database.%DATE%.weekly.diff.csv.gz",
- "premium_dns_ptr_database.%DATE%.weekly.diff.csv.gz",
月次更新 Include changes in the monthly full database of DNS records compared to the previous period. Includes added, dropped, and modified records since the previous month. These files are named in format:
- "premium_dns_database.%DATE%.monthly.diff.csv.gz"
- "premium_dns_aaaa_database.%DATE%.monthly.diff.csv.gz"
- "premium_dns_mx_database.%DATE%.monthly.diff.csv.gz",
- "premium_dns_ns_database.%DATE%.monthly.diff.csv.gz",
- "premium_dns_txt_database.%DATE%.monthly.diff.csv.gz",
- "premium_dns_cname_database.%DATE%.monthly.diff.csv.gz",
- "premium_dns_soa_database.%DATE%.monthly.diff.csv.gz",
- "premium_dns_ptr_database.%DATE%.monthly.diff.csv.gz",
e.g. "premium_dns_database.2021-12-01.monthly.diff.csv.gz".
Weekly Fullデータベース 指定した日付の前90日間に収集されたDNSレコード(A、AAAA、MX、NS、TXT、CNAME、SOA、PTR)のweekly fullデータベースをCSV形式で提供します。これらのファイルは、次の形式で命名されています:
- "premium_dns_database.%DATE%.full.csv.gz "
- "premium_dns_aaa_database.%DATE%.full.csv.gz"
- "premium_dns_mx_database.%DATE%.full.csv.gz"
- "premium_dns_ns_database.%DATE%.full.csv.gz",
- "premium_dns_txt_database.%DATE%.full.csv.gz",
- "premium_dns_cname_database.%DATE%.full.csv.gz",
- "premium_dns_soa_database.%DATE%.full.csv.gz",
- "premium_dns_ptr_database.%DATE%.full.csv.gz",
例: "premium_dns_database.2021-12-01.full.csv.gz"
Monthly Fullデータベース 指定された日付以前の過去365日間に収集されたDNSレコード(A、AAAA、MX、NS、TXT、CNAME、SOA、PTR)のデータベース全体をCSV形式で毎月提供します。これらのファイルは、次の形式で命名されています:
- "premium_dns_database.%DATE%.full.%PART%.csv.gz"
- "premium_dns_aaaa_database.%DATE%.full.%PART%.csv.gz"
- "premium_dns_mx_database.%DATE%.full.%PART%.csv.gz"
- "premium_dns_ns_database.%DATE%.full.%PART%.csv.gz",
- "premium_dns_txt_database.%DATE%.full.%PART%.csv.gz",
- "premium_dns_cname_database.%DATE%.full.%PART%.csv.gz",
- "premium_dns_soa_database.%DATE%.full.%PART%.csv.gz",
- "premium_dns_ptr_database.%DATE%.full.%PART%.csv.gz",
例: "premium_dns_database.2021-12-01.full.1.csv.gz".




広範囲のデータセットを扱う場合、ダウンロード速度、往復時間、ネットワークの安定性、ディスクI/Oなどの要因が、HTTPプロトコルを介したダウンロードの成功に影響を与える可能性があります。 さらに、ウイルス対策ソフトウェアなどの外部要因が、データのシームレスな転送を妨げる複雑な問題を引き起こす可能性もあります。 よりスムーズで信頼性の高いダウンロード体験を確保するため、可能な限りFTP(ファイル転送プロトコル)をご利用いただくことを強くお勧めいたします。FTPは、HTTPダウンロードに関連する潜在的な課題の影響を最小限に抑える強固なソリューションを提供します。ダウンロードエラーが発生したり、何か問題が発生した場合は、当社の専用サポート部門までお問い合わせください。FTPアクセスを有効にして、お客様のデータ転送プロセスを最適化できるよう、喜んでお手伝いいたします。




当社のFTPサーバーは、明示的なFTP over TLSをサポートしています。安全な通信のため、お客様のFTPクライアントで明示的なFTP over TLSを使用するように設定できます。

当社のFTPSサーバーには、通常のFTPサーバーと同じパスとAPIキーを使用してアクセスします。その手順は上記で説明されています。FTPS経由で接続するには、FTPクライアントが対応している場合は、そのクライアントで「Require explicit FTP over TLS(明示的なFTP over TLSを要求する)」暗号化オプションを選択します。FileZillaの設定例:

明示的なFTP over TLSの暗号化




ファイルの内容 ファイル名の拡張子 平均gzipファイルサイズ 平均解凍ファイルサイズ 平均レコード数
毎週データベース全体をエクスポート .full 292.3GB 1.3TB 27.1B
データベース全体における週ごとの変化 .weekly.diff 25.5GB 114.9GB 2.4B
データベース全体における月ごとの変化 .monthly.diff 107.8GB 479.8GB 10.1B
前日に追加されたレコード .daily 3.4GB 16.2GB 345.2M


ファイルの内容 ファイル名の拡張子 平均gzipファイルサイズ 平均解凍ファイルサイズ 平均レコード数
毎週データベース全体をエクスポート .full 5.0GB 31.9GB 457.1M
データベース全体における週ごとの変化 .weekly.diff 158MB 1.5GB 10.4M
データベース全体における月ごとの変化 .monthly.diff 837.8MB 7.5GB 59.6M
前日に追加されたレコード .daily 76.5MB 543.5MB 7.2M


ファイルの内容 ファイル名の拡張子 平均gzipファイルサイズ 平均解凍ファイルサイズ 平均レコード数
毎週データベース全体をエクスポート .full 8.8GB 56.2GB 1.0B
データベース全体における週ごとの変化 .weekly.diff 268.9MB 1.7GB 26.6M
データベース全体における月ごとの変化 .monthly.diff 1.6GB 10.6GB 163.6M
前日に追加されたレコード .daily 142.7MB 902.2MB 16.5M


ファイルの内容 ファイル名の拡張子 平均gzipファイルサイズ 平均解凍ファイルサイズ 平均レコード数
毎週データベース全体をエクスポート .full 8.2GB 42.6GB 461.5M
データベース全体における週ごとの変化 .weekly.diff 619.2MB 6.2GB 52.9M
データベース全体における月ごとの変化 .monthly.diff 3.3GB 30.4GB 265.5M
前日に追加されたレコード .daily 168.2MB 1.1GB 10.8M


ファイルの内容 ファイル名の拡張子 平均gzipファイルサイズ 平均解凍ファイルサイズ 平均レコード数
毎週データベース全体をエクスポート .full 1.9GB 9.9GB 110.4M
データベース全体における週ごとの変化 .weekly.diff 245.4MB 1.5GB 14.1M
データベース全体における月ごとの変化 .monthly.diff 1.3GB 7.8GB 72.8M
前日に追加されたレコード .daily 44.8MB 260.6MB 2.7M


ファイルの内容 ファイル名の拡張子 平均gzipファイルサイズ 平均解凍ファイルサイズ 平均レコード数
毎週データベース全体をエクスポート .full 9.1GB 47.1GB 424.2M
データベース全体における週ごとの変化 .weekly.diff 417.7MB 2.2GB 19.3M
データベース全体における月ごとの変化 .monthly.diff 2.3GB 12.2GB 104.4M
前日に追加されたレコード .daily 144.0MB 743.2MB 6.7M


ファイルの内容 ファイル名の拡張子 平均gzipファイルサイズ 平均解凍ファイルサイズ 平均レコード数
毎週データベース全体をエクスポート .full 15.8GB 86.5GB 1.7B
データベース全体における週ごとの変化 .weekly.diff 1.4GB 8.0GB 147.7M
データベース全体における月ごとの変化 .monthly.diff 6.8GB 38.8GB 746.8M
前日に追加されたレコード .daily 220MB 1.2GB 22.3M


ファイルの内容 ファイル名の拡張子 平均gzipファイルサイズ 平均解凍ファイルサイズ 平均レコード数
毎週データベース全体をエクスポート .full 4.7GB 30.5GB 491.4M
データベース全体における週ごとの変化 .weekly.diff 80.0MB 391.5MB 5.4M
データベース全体における月ごとの変化 .monthly.diff 386.3MB 2.0GB 27.3M
前日に追加されたレコード .daily 27.8MB 131.4MB 2M




  • 例:,1725227709,,,true
IP1, IP2, IPn

The wildcard field indicates whether the DNS record is part of a wildcard entry. To determine this:

  • We replace the last domain level with a random string, creating a new Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) as a subdomain.
  • We then query the nameserver for this newly generated FQDN.
  • If the nameserver returns a DNS record for this random subdomain, the original domain is marked as a wildcard entry.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The domain has a wildcard DNS configuration (e.g., *
  • Any subdomain of the form will resolve to a valid DNS record, as the wildcard (*) catches all subdomains not explicitly defined.

If the field is false, it means:

  • Only explicitly defined subdomains will have corresponding DNS records.
  • A query for a random subdomain (e.g., will not resolve to a valid DNS record unless it has been specifically configured.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false


The active field shows whether a DNS record exists for the given domain. The check works as follows:

  • The FQDN is queried multiple times against the DNS server.
  • If a valid DNS record is returned, the domain is marked as active.
  • If the DNS server returns an error or no record is found during these queries, the domain is marked as not active.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The DNS record was successfully retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was successful.

If the field is false, it means:

  • The DNS record could not be retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was unsuccessful during our attempts.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false


  • 例:,1726563076,2607:f8b0:4006:81f::2001,,true
IP1, IP2, IPn

The wildcard field indicates whether the DNS record is part of a wildcard entry. To determine this:

  • We replace the last domain level with a random string, creating a new Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) as a subdomain.
  • We then query the nameserver for this newly generated FQDN.
  • If the nameserver returns a DNS record for this random subdomain, the original domain is marked as a wildcard entry.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The domain has a wildcard DNS configuration (e.g., *
  • Any subdomain of the form will resolve to a valid DNS record, as the wildcard (*) catches all subdomains not explicitly defined.

If the field is false, it means:

  • Only explicitly defined subdomains will have corresponding DNS records.
  • A query for a random subdomain (e.g., will not resolve to a valid DNS record unless it has been specifically configured.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false


The active field shows whether a DNS record exists for the given domain. The check works as follows:

  • The FQDN is queried multiple times against the DNS server.
  • If a valid DNS record is returned, the domain is marked as active.
  • If the DNS server returns an error or no record is found during these queries, the domain is marked as not active.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The DNS record was successfully retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was successful.

If the field is false, it means:

  • The DNS record could not be retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was unsuccessful during our attempts.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false


  • Structure:
    - ...
  • 例:

The wildcard field indicates whether the DNS record is part of a wildcard entry. To determine this:

  • We replace the last domain level with a random string, creating a new Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) as a subdomain.
  • We then query the nameserver for this newly generated FQDN.
  • If the nameserver returns a DNS record for this random subdomain, the original domain is marked as a wildcard entry.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The domain has a wildcard DNS configuration (e.g., *
  • Any subdomain of the form will resolve to a valid DNS record, as the wildcard (*) catches all subdomains not explicitly defined.

If the field is false, it means:

  • Only explicitly defined subdomains will have corresponding DNS records.
  • A query for a random subdomain (e.g., will not resolve to a valid DNS record unless it has been specifically configured.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false


The active field shows whether a DNS record exists for the given domain. The check works as follows:

  • The FQDN is queried multiple times against the DNS server.
  • If a valid DNS record is returned, the domain is marked as active.
  • If the DNS server returns an error or no record is found during these queries, the domain is marked as not active.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The DNS record was successfully retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was successful.

If the field is false, it means:

  • The DNS record could not be retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was unsuccessful during our attempts.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false


  • Structure:
    - ...
  • 例:

The wildcard field indicates whether the DNS record is part of a wildcard entry. To determine this:

  • We replace the last domain level with a random string, creating a new Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) as a subdomain.
  • We then query the nameserver for this newly generated FQDN.
  • If the nameserver returns a DNS record for this random subdomain, the original domain is marked as a wildcard entry.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The domain has a wildcard DNS configuration (e.g., *
  • Any subdomain of the form will resolve to a valid DNS record, as the wildcard (*) catches all subdomains not explicitly defined.

If the field is false, it means:

  • Only explicitly defined subdomains will have corresponding DNS records.
  • A query for a random subdomain (e.g., will not resolve to a valid DNS record unless it has been specifically configured.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false


The active field shows whether a DNS record exists for the given domain. The check works as follows:

  • The FQDN is queried multiple times against the DNS server.
  • If a valid DNS record is returned, the domain is marked as active.
  • If the DNS server returns an error or no record is found during these queries, the domain is marked as not active.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The DNS record was successfully retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was successful.

If the field is false, it means:

  • The DNS record could not be retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was unsuccessful during our attempts.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false


  • Structure:
    - ...
  • 例:
    -,1725227715,v=spf1 ~all,,true

The wildcard field indicates whether the DNS record is part of a wildcard entry. To determine this:

  • We replace the last domain level with a random string, creating a new Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) as a subdomain.
  • We then query the nameserver for this newly generated FQDN.
  • If the nameserver returns a DNS record for this random subdomain, the original domain is marked as a wildcard entry.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The domain has a wildcard DNS configuration (e.g., *
  • Any subdomain of the form will resolve to a valid DNS record, as the wildcard (*) catches all subdomains not explicitly defined.

If the field is false, it means:

  • Only explicitly defined subdomains will have corresponding DNS records.
  • A query for a random subdomain (e.g., will not resolve to a valid DNS record unless it has been specifically configured.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false


The active field shows whether a DNS record exists for the given domain. The check works as follows:

  • The FQDN is queried multiple times against the DNS server.
  • If a valid DNS record is returned, the domain is marked as active.
  • If the DNS server returns an error or no record is found during these queries, the domain is marked as not active.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The DNS record was successfully retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was successful.

If the field is false, it means:

  • The DNS record could not be retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was unsuccessful during our attempts.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false


  • Structure:
    - ...
  • 例:

The wildcard field indicates whether the DNS record is part of a wildcard entry. To determine this:

  • We replace the last domain level with a random string, creating a new Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) as a subdomain.
  • We then query the nameserver for this newly generated FQDN.
  • If the nameserver returns a DNS record for this random subdomain, the original domain is marked as a wildcard entry.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The domain has a wildcard DNS configuration (e.g., *
  • Any subdomain of the form will resolve to a valid DNS record, as the wildcard (*) catches all subdomains not explicitly defined.

If the field is false, it means:

  • Only explicitly defined subdomains will have corresponding DNS records.
  • A query for a random subdomain (e.g., will not resolve to a valid DNS record unless it has been specifically configured.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false


The active field shows whether a DNS record exists for the given domain. The check works as follows:

  • The FQDN is queried multiple times against the DNS server.
  • If a valid DNS record is returned, the domain is marked as active.
  • If the DNS server returns an error or no record is found during these queries, the domain is marked as not active.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The DNS record was successfully retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was successful.

If the field is false, it means:

  • The DNS record could not be retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was unsuccessful during our attempts.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false


  • Structure:
    - ...
  • 例:
    -,1725227715, 3600 1800 604800 3600,,true
    -,1725348124, 7200 900 1209600 86400,,

The wildcard field indicates whether the DNS record is part of a wildcard entry. To determine this:

  • We replace the last domain level with a random string, creating a new Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) as a subdomain.
  • We then query the nameserver for this newly generated FQDN.
  • If the nameserver returns a DNS record for this random subdomain, the original domain is marked as a wildcard entry.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The domain has a wildcard DNS configuration (e.g., *
  • Any subdomain of the form will resolve to a valid DNS record, as the wildcard (*) catches all subdomains not explicitly defined.

If the field is false, it means:

  • Only explicitly defined subdomains will have corresponding DNS records.
  • A query for a random subdomain (e.g., will not resolve to a valid DNS record unless it has been specifically configured.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false


The active field shows whether a DNS record exists for the given domain. The check works as follows:

  • The FQDN is queried multiple times against the DNS server.
  • If a valid DNS record is returned, the domain is marked as active.
  • If the DNS server returns an error or no record is found during these queries, the domain is marked as not active.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The DNS record was successfully retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was successful.

If the field is false, it means:

  • The DNS record could not be retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was unsuccessful during our attempts.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false


  • Structure:
    - ...

  • -,1722809170,,,

The active field shows whether a DNS record exists for the given domain. The check works as follows:

  • The FQDN is queried multiple times against the DNS server.
  • If a valid DNS record is returned, the domain is marked as active.
  • If the DNS server returns an error or no record is found during these queries, the domain is marked as not active.

If the field is true, it means:

  • The DNS record was successfully retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was successful.

If the field is false, it means:

  • The DNS record could not be retrieved.
  • The domain's DNS resolution was unsuccessful during our attempts.

If the field is empty, it means that we have not yet checked the DNS record for this domain.

Possible values: true | false